I have found out that for a 15 to be classified as a 15:
- There must be no discrimination
- Drug taking may be shown but the film should not encourage or promote this.
- Horror is permitted unless sadistic and sexualised then this is not allowed.
- Imitable Behaviour should now dwell on detail which could be copied and weapons should now be glamorised.
- Frequent use of the word F*** is allowed. However the word C*** is acceptable only if it is justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of htis language is NOT allowed.
- Nudity may be allowed in a sexual contextbut without strong details.
- Sex is allowed without strong detail, verbal language my be permitted if the context justifies. Sex Works ( Sexual arousal or stimulation) is unlikely to be accepted.
- There is no theme that is prohibited, provided it is appropraite for 15 year olds.
- Violence may be strong but should not dwell on pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be accepted.
An 18 allows all that is permitted in a 15, although the BBFC still think that somethings shown no be shown. These include:
- Breach of the Criminal Law
- Risk of harm to individuals or through their behaviour to society
- Illegal drug use
- Sexual or Sexualised violence
- Sexual Activity which cannot be justified by the context.
- Sex Work of sexual arousal or stimulation and real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explict animated images should only be accepted at an R18.
good alice-ensure you reflect upon this as the project moves forward