Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Feedback from Teachers

In yesterdays lesson myelf and Amy watched title sequence. After the improvements from the first cut had been made I am happy with the overall outcome. After watching it we asked our teachers to watch it to see if there was anything else we could do to improve it before our final deadline.
Below is the first final draft of what they was watched:

Here are the comments in which were given to us for what we could do to improve it and also what worked well:
  • Take out the pictures at the beginning- Now that we have changed around the order of the sequence the pictures not really link in with the rest of it now.
  • Add in more of Daniels ( Cafe Rouge and Chelsea's scenes.- This will allow for more inter-cutting to take place between Chelsea and Daniel
  • During the title sequence the titles needs to come on in a different order:- Before the game was at the end of the titles and the actors names were before this. Here is how we should display it:
  • Canterbury Productions Presents,
  • An AJA Production
  • The Game
  • The music transition from the titles to the next scene is to slow. It almost sounds as if there should be something more as the music carries on. This needs to be adjusted so that the music fades out quicker.
  • From the beginning after the photos to the title sequence it flows well.
  • The sound effect  founds out as the character is still running away. This is good as we didn't just stop it as soon as the ran out of the building.
  • We feel as if we should adjust the level of voice in the MI5 scene to continur with the continuity throughout. Here as some of this was from a re shoot the tone in her voice is slightly different.
  • The varied shots within the MI5 scene was good.
From this feedback it has helped us to realise things that we didn't realise before. When the idea of taking out the images was suggested we first weren't to sure about it but now when watching through the sequence it has become clear that it does not flow like the rest of the sequence does.  This is one area which needs to be sorted. This has allowed for chnges to be made that were storyboarded from the very begginning which we never thought we would change.  From watching it from the first time until now it has become much easier to see the areas in which we could improve upon. Before our final deadline we are going to take these comments into consideration to make sure that we can improve upon it to allow us to produce a good title sequence.

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