Genre is a set of conventions which is recognisable usually through iconography, familiar narrative,mise-en-scene, actors and the style of representation. Genres are not static but constantly renegotiated between industry and audience.
However some people may argue the fact that genre is now dead. This could be because genre has been redeveloped many of times over the years that genre can now not be categorized. Genres are a creative strategy used by film producers. This ensures audience identification within a film.
Ways of considering genre:
- Genre is a way of working through myths and fears by repetition, variation and resolution.
- They offer comforting reassurance in an uncomfortable world. A way of tidying up the mess of life.
- Genre functions like a language- It has a set of rules and a volcabulary which helps to recognise the meaning of a film.
Genre can be recognised through many different conventions that all help the target audience to understand the genre of the film in further depth. These include:
- Visual Imagery- Iconography
- The Plot
- Characters
- Setting
- Music and Stars
- Modes of Narrative developement
what i need is the ideas about genre and hybridisation, regenrification, and those ideas about genre we explored and what you learned. As with all your posts you tend to tell me what you did, sometimes what you learned, but i need more evaluation and reflection on what you have done. Please come and see me so i can point you in the right direction!