Thursday, 8 December 2011

Lesson Summary

 In today's lesson we as a group had a discussion with Mr Ford. When talking to our teacher we realised that we were restricting ourselves in therms of the amount of footage and titles we can have at the end of our title sequence. We had originally planned to use the first 20 seconds of Mission Impossible. However this restricts the whole of our opening as we would be restricted as to how much time we had. This made us realise that we need to change our idea for our music as we cannot be restricting ourselves.

Today we also cut up our storyboard and stuck it on the wall. By this doing it was clear to how that we hadn't taken into account our length of our shots and the transitions between them. By doing this it made me realise how much detail we needed to put into the storyboard. We decided that in between our opening establishing shot we should have blackouts. This allows for the audience to know that there is going to be a change. Furthermore I feel that we need to storyboard our animation of the blueprint so we as a group know exactly what is happening as at the moment it is a bit vague and were not exactly sure on how this is going to work. In our next lesson we are going to make many more changes and add more things in to make our storyboard much more effective.

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